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A Great Way to Start 2018!

Dec 22, 2017



Our new January Revolutions Challenge was created to give your fitness a boost in the New Year.

If you are ready to commit to new goals in 2018, the January Revolutions Challenge gives you something to shoot for! If you’re finishing up our Holiday Challenge, this new incentive can help you maintain your momentum. Best of all, if you’re on a team in the Virtual Team Challenge, your meters can count for both challenges! In the January Revolutions Challenge, you choose the challenge based on what motivates you—working out for time, calories, or consistency—and there are two levels for each type of goal. This variety makes it a perfect first-time challenge and a great opportunity for you to invite a friend to do it with you! There’s something for everyone! Here are your challenge choices:

  • The Stretch: row, ski or ride for 20 days in January
  • The Big Stretch: row, ski or ride every day in January
  • The Haul: row, ski or ride for 15 hours in January
  • The Long Haul: row, ski or ride for 30 hours in January
  • The Burn: row, ski, or ride 10,000 calories in January
  • The Big Burn: row, ski or ride 20,000 calories in January

Pick the one that appeals to you, and sign up any time between now and January 1, 2018. Whether you have an indoor rower, a SkiErg or a BikeErg, we hope you'll join us in kicking off 2018 with a bang (or a soft whirr of the flywheel)! You can read more here!

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