About a year ago, our colleagues Silvan and Marc at Concept2 Switzerland heard from a concerned mother. She was looking for a fitness machine that could benefit her whole family, but she was especially concerned about her son Richard, who was a bit overweight. Richard's teacher had suggested they try a Concept2 Indoor Rower, because she felt it to be the most effective way to improve fitness and lose weight.
Since the family was unfamiliar with the sport of rowing (and conveniently lived near the Swiss office), Silvan and Marc delivered the machine themselves and provided some initial instruction. Seeing a tall, young boy, they suspected that he might have potential to become a good on water athlete. After a short technique introduction, Richard rowed a few sprint intervals, and his speed was impressive! They suggested that he try rowing at a club as a competitive athlete. Richard didn’t seem overly enthusiastic, but he was open to the idea, and Silvan and Marc went on their way.
Just recently, nearly a year after this special erg delivery, a customer came to the Concept2 Switzerland showroom to buy a rowing machine. She explained that she was a teacher and one of her students had lost 30 pounds in one year of training on the Concept2 Indoor Rower. It was Richard!
He had started rowing competitively and training every day. He also changed his diet and became very conscious about his nutrition. Richard’s mother said in an email to Silvan, “rowing started Richie on an amazing path of health, fitness and nutrition. I am forever grateful to you! Because of you and your insistence that he try rowing, he is a different person today. He even did a rowing camp at Eton College in England this summer.” Next week, he’ll be competing at the Swiss Indoor Rowing Championships. We’re excited about his progress, and we wish him the best of luck in his rowing career.