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Fishing for a High Score

Jan 9, 2014



Some of you may remember the story we wrote in the Fall 2009 issue of the Update about our CFO (“Chief Fishing Officer”), Jon Williams. Well, he’s still the in-house Fish Game Champion…but he doesn’t come close to the fishing exploits of customer Ken Petterson.

Ken and Jon communicate regularly about their fishing, and most recently Ken sent us a really impressive collection of his fishing stats, accumulated from over 9000 games! We thought you would enjoy seeing them—and perhaps this will inspire you to try the Fish Game if you haven’t already (to find the Fish Game on your PM3 or PM4, choose Games from the Main Menu). It only takes 4 minutes to play each game, but fair warning: it can be quite addicting!

Ken’s stats and comments:

  • Average score (approximate): 2655
  • Average meters rowed per game: 725
  • Total Fish Games with scores over 3000: 338
  • Highest score: 3510
  • Longest consecutive “win streak” with games over 2000 points: 1628

Ken adds, “On December 29, I surpassed the 17,000,000 meter mark for total meters rowed! As I average 725 meters per fish game and I have played 9000 Fish Games to date, 6,525,000 (38.4%) of those 17,000,000 meters have come from Fish Games!

Meters are meters and they ALL add up and improve one’s health. I will turn 48 years old January 8 and have many more years ahead of me that I will be rowing. I know that I come from a 'different' approach to rowing. Perhaps I am not 'serious' enough, but I do know that my health has never been better and that I row between 2–3 miles a day. On days that I can’t erg for 45 minutes straight due to a busy schedule, I break my day into mini-workouts that involve a two or three Fish Games at a time. My 11-year-old-son, Aiden, LOVES to play the fish game as well.”

We’re confident that Ken is not exaggerating the “size of his fish” on this one! Let us know if you come close to reaching Ken’s scores at [email protected].

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