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Instructor Certification Could Be for You

Jan 3, 2020



Through our partners Dark Horse Rowing and UCanRow2, Concept2 offers an instructor training program that is popular with gym owners, group rowing instructors, and personal trainers. This training is also a great way for individual athletes to unlock the mysteries of the flywheel. The courses explain how to make the most of the Concept2 RowErg by looking at body mechanics, stroke ratio, stroke rate, and damper setting.

Why Get Certified? 


For trainers and fitness professionals, certification is a great addition to your resume. The RowErg is often overlooked in traditional courses that focus on general wellness, cardio equipment and strength training. Certification lets you make the most of your investment so that members can feel confident in this low-impact full-body exercise. Technique can seem intimidating but is easy to learn and teach.

For those who already coach an on water rowing club or team, the courses address how to teach rowing to those who may never touch an oar. Rowing supports other sports and is a diverse training tool. When teaching rowing as an exercise, there are specific ways to explain the benefits and movements. Even if you’re comfortable teaching rowing, there’s still more to learn in an indoor rowing certification. Rowing clubs may want to consider expanding their offerings in the community; certification is a great way to start.

Courses are open to anyone and can be a great fit for individuals who want to improve their own rowing. Certification courses are one way to receive feedback on your own rowing while learning about the RowErg in a professional context. It is easier to learn proper rowing from scratch than to undo poor habits, so if you’re curious about rowing, now is the time to sign up.

How Does It Work?

Depending on where you choose to get certified, you can complete the course in one day or as you find time. First you learn the content, then you provide a video submission of your delivery and understanding of the content. We’ve tried to provide options to fit your busy life. 

Find an Instructor

We publish a list of instructors who have completed the certification if you would like to find someone near you who can help with rowing. Instructors can provide coaching, personal training or may teach group rowing classes. Contact the instructor nearest you to see what may be offered.

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