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International Women's Day Challenge a Success

Mar 17, 2023



Concept2's International Women's Day Challenge on March 8 helped raise money for the Women’s Sports Foundation and WomenSport International—two organizations that work to empower women and girls through sport and raise awareness for equality. In all, we had over 4000 participants in the challenge and reached our goal of raising $15,000 to be split between the two organizations. Participants rowed or skied a 5000m piece (or rode 10,000m on the BikeErg) on International Women's Day, and Concept2 donated $5 per participant. As a lead up to International Women's Day we were able to spend some time talking with women in our communities about what sport and movement mean to them. We hope you enjoy this video that sums it all up. Thanks to ALL who made the challenge a great success!

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