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Juneteenth Challenge 2022

Jun 6, 2022



This year, Concept2’s Juneteenth Challenge will benefit Black-owned rowing programs. We’re excited to provide our support directly to organizations that are providing leadership and role modeling in the sport. Juneteenth is the oldest nationally-celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in 1865 in the United States. We’re pleased to do a small part to celebrate African American freedoms and achievements. The Concept2 Juneteenth Challenge is a one-day event on June 19. Here’s how it works: Concept2 pledges to donate $19,000 plus an additional $2 for every person who completes more than 1900 meters, up to a maximum total of $38,000. Last year, you helped raise over $30,000! The funds raised by Juneteenth Challenge participants this year will be evenly divided between these three organizations:

  • BLJ Community Rowing "BLJ Community Rowing was started because we knew that rowing could be a vehicle for change. We know that rowing is a vehicle to a better life and we have seen lives change and people make the turn, build relationships, and a community. Rowing is the vehicle for people to connect and change each other perspectives. As the only Black-owned and operated rowing club in America, we are passionate about providing access to the elite sport of rowing by removing boundaries and creating opportunities."
  • Athletes Without Limits Rowing "Based in Metro DC serving DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland with outreach in hubs across the US, AWLRow has three branches: AWLRow IDD: Intellectual and Developmental Disability, AWLRow YL: Youth Leaders and AWLRow MVL: Military and Veteran Leaders. Partnered with Wakefield H.S. Crew and Boosters, AWLRow creates affordable opportunities for all demographics, economic and abilities from elementary to adult. Utilizing the strengths of each other bonds all three components of AWLRow together for excellence on and off the water. NO LIMITS!"
  • Brick City Rowing "Brick City Rowing (BCR) exists to serve the youth of Newark, NJ (and surrounding municipalities), with an emphasis on reaching those who are not traditionally included within the sport of rowing. Our ultimate goal at BCR is to establish a lasting competitive presence within the sport and to do our part in changing the face of rowing in the United States."

In 2021, the Juneteenth Challenge supported the Black Coaches and Rowers Association (BCRA) with a donation of $30,564. This funding is being used to expand educational opportunities for rowing athletes, with the goal of increasing the pipeline of talented athletes of color. “Our plan is to provide more development opportunities for young athletes,” explains Craig White of the BCRA. “Concept2’s donation, on behalf of the many individuals who contributed their meters, makes a significant contribution to provide this programming.” Please join us on June 19. Sign up on the home page of your Online Logbook to show you're taking part. After that, you just need to enter your meters into the Logbook to get your certificate of completion AND and help us get to our goal of $38,000! We've got motivational challenges for you all year long. 

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