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Learn to Row in Vermont

Jun 10, 2016



National Learn to Row Day, sponsored by Concept2 and USRowing, was a big success!


As the largest National Learn to Row Day ever, the event included 125 participating clubs from 34 states. Here in Vermont, Green Mountain Rowing and the University of Vermont Crew invited the local community to come out and try rowing. The participants ranged from complete novices to former collegiate athletes looking to get back on the water. Many participants were familiar with the Concept2 Indoor Rower, including one individual who had already racked up 39 million meters! It was great to have these individuals take an oar to the water and give on water rowing a try.

With twelves participants and many volunteers, Learn to Row Day athletes were introduced to indoor rower technique, parts of the boat and safety, and rowing in an “8+”. An “8+” is a rowing shell with eight athletes each rowing sweep (one oar per athlete) with a “+” riding as coxswain. The coxswain steers the boat and helps with coaching and motivation. See? You’re already learning more about rowing, too!

We hope to grow this annual event and encourage all clubs to participate. It’s a great way to grow membership and outreach to the local community.

This year, the Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club won USRowing's Learn to Row Day raffle for a set of Concept2’s new Bantam oars. Congratulations!

We hope Learn to Row Day was a great success for all and plan to see many more new faces at the boathouse.

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