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Linking Dynamic Indoor Rowers for Team Training

Apr 26, 2011


Dynamic Link

When we introduced the first prototype of the Dynamic Indoor Rower, we heard feedback from coaches and rowers that they wanted to be able to connect this new erg for team training, similar to the Model D on Slides. This has been in the back of our minds for the past year.

This video shows the third generation prototype of the “link” that will allow two Dynamic Indoor Rowers to connect for team training. We’ve already come a long way from the first generation, which was a 2X4 and two “C” clamps.

We wanted to make this connector super easy and as simple as possible. The current link bar is a seven foot length of square steel tubing with a pin fixed at each end. A small angled piece is added to the foot carriage using two bolts that are already part of the foot carriage assembly. This piece has an attachment point for a link bar to a Dynamic behind it and a second attachment point for a link bar to a Dynamic in front of it. For convenience, this part could stay permanently attached to the foot carriage. No fastening is required to install the link bar. Engage the pin at the end of the bar with the hole in the small angled piece on the foot carriage and it is done.

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