It was 2001 when Cheryl Hamilton came to interview for a position on Concept2’s customer service team. “They had a great reputation for customer service, which I’m very interested in,” she says, “and I’m also really passionate about health and fitness.” With her strong sales and customer service experience from working at the Stowe Mountain Resort, not to mention her sunny personality and readiness to laugh, she landed the job, and she’s been helping Concept2’s customers ever since.
Helping others is a clear theme in Cheryl's many projects around Concept2. She has worked to develop programs to help K-12 schools obtain rowing machines so that students stay fit. An avid gardener, she works with fellow customer service team member Dena Hirchak to brighten up the Concept2 grounds by planting and tending flower beds and pots around the building. Cheryl is also in charge of Concept2 company party planning, organizing events and celebrations that bring her coworkers together.
Outside of work, Cheryl loves to enjoy the Vermont lifestyle: hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, canning produce from her garden, good live music and, of course, good microbrews with friends. She especially enjoys travelling the state with her team to compete in USTA women’s tennis. “Tennis is a social, team sport, available to me all year long, and a fantastic workout,” she says.
She attributes her proudest accomplishment of all, though, to raising her two children who were both recently married and living happily in the Pacific Northwest. Even after 11 years, she still talks glowingly about her work, “Peoples’ success stories are what really make the job fun,” she says. “I really believe in the products and their benefits, and I love working with a team of such dedicated, fitness minded people.” Speaking of both her work at Concept2 and her home here in Vermont, she adds with a laugh, “I think I’m in the right place.”