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Nearly 100 Countries on the Real Time Loop!

Mar 20, 2023



I needed a bit of motivation when I climbed on my erg this morning, so I connected to ErgData® and headed out to see who was on the Real Time Loop, a virtual course where you can work out with other members of the Concept2 community. I started rowing, eager to see who was there, and which countries were represented—there were 12! Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Canada, France, Germany. There was one flag that I didn’t immediately recognize. I would need to look it up as soon as I finished my workout.

 I wasn’t rowing too fast, so people were gradually passing me, which gave me a chance to see more people, from more countries, go past me. South Korea, Italy... I saw someone I recognized and picked up my pace a bit to stay with them. I’m beginning to recognize some of the avatars—whether they’re of someone’s face or a picture or initials—because I see them out there day after day. 

It’s nice to run into familiar faces for my workout. The woman wearing dark sunglasses. The guy holding a really, really, big fish. Someone enjoying a beer. A sculler in a boat. Someone whose picture is turned sideways. Then another flag that was new to me. “Note to self: Print out a guide to the flags of the world and post it by the erg!” 

Since the Real Time Loop opened on February 16, 2023, erg users from almost 100 countries have been seen on the virtual course! Now I want to get back on my erg and spot more countries! Give the loop a try and see how many flags you see, and how many you can recognize! Learn more about ErgData's Real Time Loop.

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