To answer the question of which equipment to add next, let's assume you've started with the RowErg. There are some great reasons to get either a SkiErg or a BikeErg. Let’s have a look at the options.
Like the RowErg, the SkiErg also uses most major muscle groups, so it an excellent workout by itself. In addition, the motions and muscle use are complementary to those of rowing, making it a great companion to the RowErg. You can combine the two machines into one workout or alternate days to keep it fresh. The SkiErg puts the arms through a wider range of motion than the legs; if you’re looking for more upper body involvement, the SkiErg is a good choice. You may also want to think about the other things you do regularly for exercise. If they are lower body activities like running, walking and cycling, then having a SkiErg in the house offers some really good balance to all that leg-only work.
Riding the BikeErg provides mostly lower-body exercise. It’s certainly a familiar motion, which is often second-nature to most people. If you do a lot of cycling in summer weather and want to be ready for it, the BikeErg is for you. One thing that sets it apart from the RowErg and SkiErg is that your head can remain relatively stationary, making it more practical to watching a screen, check email—even sit at a desk while you pedal. A multi-tasking workout like this keeps you moving while you are accomplishing other tasks and can help your overall productivity. It’s something that you may wish to consider. All three Concept2 indoor training use the same powerful PM5 monitor, and can sync to the Online LogBook via our free app ErgData. There are Concept2 Challenges for every machine to keep you motivated. Either a SkiErg or a BikeErg can be a great addition to your RowErg for home workout options. Here are examples of workouts that use multiple machines: Row 5 min, Ski/Ride 1 min Row 4 min, Ski/Ride 2 min Row 3 min, Ski/Ride 3 min Row 2 min, Ski/Ride 4 min Row 1 min, Ski/Ride 5 min 30 minute active time, rest time is up to you on the transition. “Up the River, Down the River” Ski 100m Row 1000m Ski 200m Row 800m Ski 300m Row 700m Ski 400m Row 600m…and so on, until you get to 1000m Ski and 100m RowTags: