For rowers who can wait until spring break, Concept2 can give you a "break" on shipping. Concept2 is teaming up with HUDSON USA to bring two special opportunities to our friends in the Boston area: Order your oars and sculls by February 16, 2023, for pickup March 11, 2023, in Sutton, Massachusetts, at the new HUDSON USA location and Concept2 will cover shipping costs (applicable taxes additional). That’s right—free shipping on oars and sculls! This offer applies to shipments of sculls and oars only; no exercise equipment or spare parts are eligible.
Concept2 will also be offering our free Oar Repair Service during this special promotion. Concept2 oars and sculls dropped off at HUDSON USA between March 1-9, 2023 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) are eligible for free maintenance and repair. Repaired oars and sculls will be available for pickup on Saturday, March 11. Regatta Service policies apply. Teams may bring one set of eight sweeps or four pairs of sculls. Upgrades and significant repairs need to be discussed with Concept2 in advance.
Situated only five minutes off the Mass Pike on Route 146 at 69 Dudley Road in Sutton, MA, the new HUDSON USA facility is only ten minutes from the popular race course on Lake Quinsigamond in Worcester, Massachusetts. The new HUDSON service and parts distribution center is an efficient way for US customers to order and ship parts, pick up and drop off equipment. This facility is the first physical HUDSON location within the United States.
To order new oars or sculls, please email your completed sweep or scull order forms with the subject line “HUDSON PICKUP” to [email protected]. If you would prefer to talk to an Oar Specialist before ordering, please call 877.887.8053. Concept2 will set up your order directly with delivery in Massachusetts.
Pickup hours for new and repaired oars will be Saturday, March 11, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. During pick up, you’ll have the chance to meet and interact members of the Concept2 and HUDSON teams. If you’re unable to attend yourself, you can designate a friend to pick up on your behalf.
All local customers—individuals, clubs and school teams—are encouraged to participate. If you’re able to meet us in Massachusetts, you’re welcome to join us! Concept2 is unable to bring orders to regattas or other locations throughout the year; this is a special opportunity.
Concept2 and HUDSON are excited to partner and offer these events. We’re always happy to help with your rowing needs and create convenient ways for customers to save given rising shipping costs for long, oversized packages. We’re excited to offer oar repair in the Northeast outside of the Regatta Service calendar.
This pickup location will be our first trial of these services; we hope to explore these types of opportunties in other areas of the country in the future. Stay tuned!