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The Earth Day Challenge

Apr 16, 2020


Earth Day is a global movement aimed to raise awareness for the protection of the planet and its people. April 22 marks two anniversaries for Earth Day—it's been celebrated in the US for 50 years, and in 1990 it went global. To recognize these milestones, and offer more incentive to keep erging, we've created the Earth Day Challenge. Here's the gist: The circumference of the Earth at the Equator is 40,075 kilometers, or 40,075,000 meters. Can we all collectively erg that many meters in one day? Or twice that many meters? We invite you to join us in seeing how many times we can collectively make it around the Earth on April 22, 2020. You can use any erg—RowErg, SkiErg or BikeErg. To earn a certificate to commemorate the challenge, work out for at least 22 minutes and enter your results into your Online Logbook. If you've never participated in one of our challenges, this may be a good one to try as you don't have to complete it in one sitting. You can break it up into manageable pieces for you and still earn a certificate, and contribute to the collective meter total. We hope you'll participate on April 22 as we exercise our way around the globe.

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