This is the time of year when we start thinking about goals—fitness goals, workplace or family goals—you name it, it’s all about that ‘clean slate’ start to a new year. If you need a winter training goal, perhaps you should think about training for a 2000 meter race on the
Concept2 Indoor Rower.
Hundreds of indoor rowing races are held around the world each year, including the World Indoor Rowing Championship (WIRC) aka the
C.R.A.S.H.-B. Sprints in Boston, Massachussetts. Our
race calendar can help you find an event near you, while we also have a list of
international races.
Indoor racing is open to anyone—you don't have to be a champion. We encourage everyone to consider participating in a race, or at least coming to watch one. It makes a great training goal to get you through the tough sessions. If you’re thinking of taking part, check out our
First Time Race Advice.
Most races take place over the Olympic regatta distance of 2000 meters, and there are recognized age group
records for this and a number of other distances. There are also
20 official satellite races where you can win a plane ride and entry to compete at the WIRC in Boston if you make the qualifying time for your age group. All 20 satellite races will take place between January 21 and February 5. The WIRC is early this year—Sunday, February 12—so start training!