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Why Use a SkiErg during the Racing Season?

Jan 17, 2017



Ideally, one likes to ski on real snow in the winter, right? That’s what it’s all about. We’ve had a wonderful start to our ski season here in northern Vermont, with all trails open—notably many that were never skiable in last year’s disappointing winter. It’s been terrific to be able to ski so long and so far, for so many days in a row! This rollercoaster winter weather is unfortunately becoming more common and it’s one of the reasons that having a SkiErg in your basement can come in handy. Another reason is the short winter day length, which gives you less time for getting to the trails in daylight. Skiing with a headlamp is another good solution for this problem, but if that’s not something you enjoy, there’s always the SkiErg to help get your workout in. You may also want to keep an occasional SkiErg workout in your training plan to help keep track of your training. Is your time for 5k still as good as it was back in the summer? Finally, whether you're a skier or not, the SkiErg offers a convenient workout for your arms, core and legs. Make sure you use all three for the best workout! We hope you have plenty of snow in your area, and we send wishes for a long, snowy winter!

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