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Education and Training

Technique Resources

Concept2 offers a range of free online resources to help with technique and training. 

Our training section contains information and videos on technique and getting started on our machines, as well as articles on things like what damper setting to use, using the force curve and more. 

We also have the following free guides for instructors and coaches to help them train athletes on Concept2 equipment:

Rowing Certification

Concept2 currently recognizes three education providers. 

Dark Horse Rowing

Dark Horse Rowing provides an online course. It is a Preferred CrossFit Course, and can count towards your CrossFit certification.


UCanRow2 provides a range of options for certification, including in-person, on-demand, and live online. As well as certification, it provides free resources and materials to help individuals and instructors.

Concept Fitness

Concept Fitness also provide options for certification.