All Concept2 indoor training equipment is equipped with the Performance Monitor 5 (PM5). It’s the brains behind our RowErgs, the SkiErg and BikErg, and worth getting to know. In this simple PM primer, you’ll learn about the basics of the display options, and how the units of measurement can give more meaning to your workouts. AUTO MODE: While the PM is a powerful tool, it can also be used in a very simple automatic mode if you prefer not to push buttons. Just start rowing, skiing or riding, and it will spring to life automatically and give instant feedback on your time, pace, power output and [approximate] Calorie burn. It will also automatically save your workout to Memory so that you can review it later if you wish. It will also automatically turn off after a couple minutes of inactivity. CHOOSE YOUR UNITS: With the display options, you can change between different units of measurement at any time before, during or after your workout. Just push the Units button to choose between:
And remember, you can change the units at any time by pressing the Units button. For example, you can watch pace all the way through your workout, and then switch to Calories afterward to see how many you burned.
The PM5 offers five choices of display, and you can switch between them before, during, or after your workout by simply pressing the Display button. Here’s a quick summary of the display options and what they mean to your workout:
That’s the basics! Take some time to push the Display and Units buttons the next time you are working out. See what data and graphics are most helpful and interesting to you. More on the PM5: What's an Erg? Our PM5 is the Key Setting up Workouts on the PM5