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PM5 Firmware Updates Just Got Easier

Jun 5, 2023


woman pressing monitor buttons
Firmware is the computer program embedded in and running your Performance Monitor. We recommend always using the latest version of firmware so that your PM5 up to date on improvements and capabilities. We’re excited to announce that many of you will now be able to update your firmware wirelessly and more quickly through our free ErgData app using Bluetooth. Here are the requirements:
  • You’ll need the latest version of ErgData on your iOS or Android device.
  • PM5 monitors require a minimum firmware version to update wirelessly. The ErgData app will offer an update for monitors with firmware above the minimum threshold firmware version. For PM5 monitors with firmware below the threshold, the ErgData app will instruct you to use the Concept2 Utility to update firmware.
​​Let’s assume you have the necessary firmware version and have the ErgData app. When you open ErgData and connect with your PM5, you'll be notified if your PM5 needs a firmware update. Tap on the PM5 ID (see red box in Step 1 below), then tap on More Info for instructions on how to proceed with the wireless firmware update. The update should take about 15 minutes to complete (possibly slightly longer the first time you do it.) Here's what you'll see as you go through the firmware update process:
Step 1
step 2
Step 2
step 3
Step 3
step 4
Step 4
step 5
Step 5
Read more about PM5 firmware and related information.

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