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Getting Started On The StrengthErg

The StrengthErg is simple and straightforward to use. This short video shows you all you need to get started: it introduces the basic movements for each station and how to set up a workout, as well as  the importance of ErgData and how to use it to get the most out of your training.

Also on this page is  information on some of the different movements you can do on, why and how you should use ErgData, as well as in-depth looks into topics such as different workout types and connecting your machine to ErgData. 


This section covers the basic movements on the StrengthErg. There are three separate stations on the StrengthErg. As well as these basic movements, it's possible to do a range of variations and custom movements of your choice. These can all be saved in ErgData under your own labels.

Leg Press

You’ll perform this movement while seated, with your hands gripping the handles on the side of the seat. When drawing the carriage back, aim to make a 90 degree angle with your legs if possible. This is a powerful position.

Muscles used during the Leg Press

Chest Press

The slider on the mast has an insert for the Push Bar that is stored behind the seat. Lower or raise the slider so the insert aligns with your sternum. Once you have the bar set up, find a comfortable seat, and focus on keeping your back against the seat, with a tight core. 

Muscles used during the chest press

Seated Row

The seated row uses the pull bar that rests in the slider. Consider using a height that aligns with your sternum. Before grabbing the pull bar, you will want to place your feet in the foot stretchers, and extend your leg to a soft knee. Once your legs are set, pull the brake towards you so that it is engaged. Begin by pressing your arms away to a comfortable starting position, and pull the bar in towards your chest. Focus on keeping a tight core, and a flat back.

Muscles used in the Seated Row

Tracking Your Progress With ErgData

One of the key features of the StrengthErg is the ability to track your progress and the easiest way to do this is using our free app, ErgData. ErgData will track every single rep you do in detail and it makes it easy for you to compare previous results and benchmarks, so you can see exactly how you're improving.

The app also makes it easy to set up workouts, follow a training plan, save your results to your Concept2 Online Logbook and share results with a coach or a friend.

ErgData screen showing user's leg press history

Next Steps

Once you're familiar with the basics, the following short videos explain some of the features in more detail. For more information on how to use your machine, check out the Training section. You can also find topics such as assembling and maintaining your StrengthErg in our Support section.

Connecting to the StrengthErg

This short video shows you how to do the initial pairing of ErgLink on your StrengthErg to a PM5, as well as how to connect your StrengthErg to ErgData, both with and without a Performance Monitor.