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4 Steps for Goal Setting

Aug 12, 2020



Whether you’re new to Concept2 or trying to get back in shape, sometimes "Just Row", "Just Bike" and "Just Ski" doesn’t cut it. You want to be faster, feel stronger and be healthier, but you feel like you’re just going in slow circles. This is where setting clear goals can be helpful and motivating.

  1. Be realistic: You may not be the athlete you once were or you may just be getting started. This means you must plan accordingly. Maybe your goal is a 20 minute 5k but your current PR (personal record) is 23 minutes. This isn’t to say you can't achieve that, but it may not happen overnight. Put a date on your goals. Tape your goal in a prominent place as a reminder, but also be willing to accept it may take longer than you expect to meet that goal.
  2. Create multiple goals: Don’t limit yourself to a 5k PR; there are many rankable distances to consider. Or, have a general goal such as "workout more consistently" or "spend more time on each workout". Not everyone is chasing a personal record (PR), and if you are, you can still try to accumulate some meters. Working out four days a week, or 20k a week, are goals to help you along your way.
  3. Join an online group: There are many online groups on Facebook and other sites. Whether you’re the fastest in the world or new to Concept2, you can learn from peers with the same hobbies as you. Feel encouraged as you share your new 1000 meter PR. If your friends don’t share your enthusiasm for rowing, skiing or riding, they probably won't understand the meaning of the "Sub7 Club" (rowing), or terms like "Fly and Die". Join online communities where people will appreciate your work, regardless of your worldwide rank.
  4. Use the Online Logbook and Challenges: The best way to get better at something is by practicing and perfecting. Spending time on the machine will help you reach your goals, and there is very likely a motivational challenge that will make it easier to complete more meters or time. What’s great about the Concept2 Online Logbook is that you can see yourself improve, see where you stand in the world, and set specific goals, whether it’s a million meters, averaging 2500 meters a day for a year, or moving to the 70th percentile for ta specific workout in your age group.

These are just four ways you can look at creating goals to help you stay motivated. Don’t forget great music, a favorite show or a podcast to get you through the grind. If you’re getting in your workouts, you’re already on your way!

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