There are a number of resources available to software developers. Some are developed by Concept2, some are from third parties. All are provided on an ‘as-is’ basis without support or warranty.
Concept2 encourages third party software developers to make apps for the PM5.
The PM5 can connect to most modern Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones or computers.
The PM5 also supports certain ANT wireless commands appropriate to the type of erg being used. ANT+ protocols can be obtained from
Download the PM5 Communication Specification
The PM3, PM4, and PM5 can connect to most devices that have a USB Host port.
Please Note:
We have old SDKs for Windows and MacOS. These are outdated and do not support the latest operating systems, but may still be of interest for code samples. Download Windows SDK Download Mac SDK
RasPiRowing allows you to connect a PM to a Raspberry Pi. Learn more
WASP is a standalone bridge that allows Bluetooth and ANT+ devices to communicate wirelessly through Wi-Fi networks to other devices or over the Internet. For example BLE/ANT+ heart rate monitors, indoor rowing machines, home scales, pulse-oximeter monitors, and blood glucose monitors are all able to use this bridge module to communicate their data to central monitoring stations via the WiFi network. Learn more about WASP
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